If you don't like labels...

Lately, it seems like more and more people on the internet “don't like labels”. I assume that's not really what the person meant, since (s)he is using language, which by definition consists mainly of labels. (Here I would like to except the people, who “don't like labels” as in “don't like prepositions” - that would be just a question of personal preference.)

As I see it, there are two possibilities (both not related to labels in general):

  1. You are being mislabeled and/or you don't know the correct label for yourself. So try describing yourself using label that is close and note the differences. It's very likely that others will understand the description correctly.
  2. There is a label that fits, but you're not happy about it. Change or get used to it. Everything has labels, simple or complicated, and that includes you. Even if the word changes, the meaning remains.

Or to be more blunt, if you don't like labels, the let me strike you from the list under the label “homo sapiens”.

blog/if_you_don_t_like_labels.txt · Last modified: 06.03.2014 11:00 (external edit)
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